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Config documentation for AdfProcessConfig

Process configuration

A configuration for a type of process.




Attribute Type Description
name String Name of the process configuration, used to refer to this configuration from test scenario's.
tenantID String The ID of the azure environment you want to connect with.
subscriptionId String The ID of the azure subscription on which the datafactory is located
applicationId String The ID of the app that got registered to Azure AD and has access to the datafactory on which the pipeline is located
clientSecret String The secret of the application
resourceGroupName String The resourceGroup on which the datafactory is located
dataFactoryName String The datafactory on which the pipeline is located
parameters IDictionary`2 In case of a pipeline with parameters, The parameters of the pipeline need be specified
processType AdfProcessType Only "AdfPipeline" is allowed at this moment. See AdfProcessType for allowed values.

Config elements

Config element Type Description Collection Item name